CLXIV. Swish Functions


The swish extension provides the bindings for Swish-e API. Swish-e stands for "Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced" and is an open source system for indexing and search. Swish-e itself is licensed under GPL license, but uses a clause that allows applications to link against the library if every copy of the combined work is accompanied by the URL to Swish-e source code. Here it is: »


Ce module est EXPERIMENTAL. Cela signifie que le comportement de ces fonctions, leurs noms et, concrètement, TOUT ce qui est documenté ici peut changer dans un futur proche, SANS PREAVIS ! Soyez-en conscient, et utilisez ce module à vos risques et périls.


PECL/swish requires PHP 5.1.3 or newer.


Des informations sur l'installation de ces extensions PECL peuvent être trouvées dans le chapitre du manuel intitulé Installation des extensions PECL. D'autres informations comme les notes sur les nouvelles versions, les téléchargements, les sources des fichiers, les informations concernant les mainteneurs ainsi qu'un CHANGELOG, peuvent être trouvées ici : »

The latest PECL/swish Win32 DLL can be downloaded here: » php_swish.dll.

Configuration à l'exécution

Cette extension ne définit aucune directive de configuration.


Exemple 2682. Basic search query


try {

$swish = new Swish("index.swish-e");
$results $swish->query("test OR text");

"Found "$results->hits" results\n";
    while (
$result $results->nextResult()) {
//break after the first result

} catch (
SwishException $e) {
"Error: "$e->getMessage(), "\n";


L'exemple ci-dessus va afficher quelque chose de similaire à :

Found 9 results
object(SwishResult)#3 (8) {
  string(13) "index.swish-e"


Constantes pré-définies

Ces constantes sont définies par cette extension, et ne sont disponibles que si cette extension a été compilée avec PHP, ou bien chargée au moment de l'exécution.

Swish::META_TYPE_UNDEF (integer)
Swish::META_TYPE_STRING (integer)
Swish::META_TYPE_ULONG (integer)
Swish::META_TYPE_DATE (integer)
Swish::IN_FILE_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_TITLE_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_HEAD_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_BODY_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_COMMENTS_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_HEADER_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_EMPHASIZED_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_META_BIT (integer)
Swish::IN_FILE (integer)
Swish::IN_TITLE (integer)
Swish::IN_HEAD (integer)
Swish::IN_BODY (integer)
Swish::IN_COMMENTS (integer)
Swish::IN_HEADER (integer)
Swish::IN_EMPHASIZED (integer)
Swish::IN_META (integer)
Swish::IN_ALL (integer)

Classes pré-définies

Classes pré-définies



  • indexes - the array of indexes used and their properties. Certain list of properties depends on Swish-e version.


  • Swish::__construct - constructs new Swish object. Throws SwishException on error.

  • Swish->prepare - prepares and returns SwishSearch object. Throws SwishException on error.

  • Swish->query - executes the query and returns SwishResults object. Throws SwishException on error.

  • Swish->getMetaList - returns an array of meta entries for the given index file.

  • Swish->getPropertyList - returns an array of properties for the given index file.





  • hits - the number of results in this SwishResults object.

  • indexes - the array of indexes used in the search.




  • Properties list depends on Swish-e version, see examples.


  • SwishResult->getMetaList - returns an array of meta entries for the index used in this result.

  • SwishResult->stem - stems the word and returns result as an array of strings. Throws SwishException on error.


SwishException extends the built in Exception class and possesses the same set of properties and methods. See la section intitulée « Exceptions étendues » for more details.

Table des matières

Swish::__construct — Construct a Swish object
Swish->getMetaList — Get the list of meta entries for the index
Swish->getPropertyList — Get the list of properties for the index
Swish->prepare — Prepare a search query
Swish->query — Execute a query and return results object
SwishResult->getMetaList — Get a list of meta entries
SwishResult->stem — Stems the given word
SwishResults->getParsedWords — Get an array of parsed words
SwishResults->getRemovedStopwords — Get an array of stopwords removed from the query
SwishResults->nextResult — Get the next search result
SwishResults->seekResult — Set current seek pointer to the given position
SwishSearch->execute — Execute the search and get the results
SwishSearch->resetLimit — Reset the search limits
SwishSearch->setLimit — Set the search limits
SwishSearch->setPhraseDelimiter — Set the phrase delimiter
SwishSearch->setSort — Set the sort order
SwishSearch->setStructure — Set the structure flag in the search object